As settlements grew, farms and ranches developed and commerce increased. Sheep and cattle began to be driven across the Pass. By the 1850’s ox-carts and mule teams crossed the hills through the Pass with people and goods. Slowly the roadway was improved and became suitable for wagons. The Butterfield Overland Mail Company stage first crossed the Pass in 1858 with a contract to transport the U.S. mail from St. Louis to San Francisco by way of Los Angeles. Prior to 1848, individual mail carriers, among them Kit Carson, traveled from U.S. territories down to Monterey. Butterfield started with two coaches per week traveling back and forth in each direction.
The history of the Pass in the mid-1800’s is full of tales of battles fought, hidden gold and treasure, banditos and highwaymen. These stories include men like Pico, Fremont, Vasquez, and Marietta among others. Historians recall the Cahuenga Pass as the site of the famous Battle of Cahuenga in 1845. Famous, because its only casualties were one horse and one mule. For the next eighty years, the Pass served primarily as a winding tributary permitting the turbulent expansion of the Los Angeles basin spill-over into the San Fernando Valley.
It was not until the mid-1920’s that developers realized the potential of the rolling slopes bordering the Pass (See our HKCC Photo Archives). The then barren hills north of Cahuenga Avenue and east of what is now Barham Boulevard was designated Hollywood Knolls. The original subdivider envisioned this as the site of exclusive estate-size homes with an appeal to film and celebrities. Several spacious Spanish-style homes were completed before the depression delayed future development. But in 1935, the ring of hammers on nails echoed across Dark Canyon and along the ridges once more. Then, as now, residents were attracted by the undulating topography, the magnificent vistas, and the unique natural aspect conveniently located near the center of the sprawling metropolis.
The Mulholland Dam, completed in 1924, created a private lake to enhance the surroundings. Oaks and eucalyptus trees were planted to shade the lots and curving streets. And the Pacific Electric Railway stopped at frequent intervals on its trips to the Valley and back. The Pacific Electric Railway has been replaced by the Hollywood Freeway, one of the most traveled arteries. The grassy ridges have given way to attractive homes and giant shade trees.
Celebrated residents have left their mark and property values have increased greatly over the years, but the 1,000-foot elevation is still wafted by gentle breezes and provides panoramic views of mountains by day and an endless carpet of lights by night. The deer and opossum still nibble the vegetation. But, most important, after all these years, the Hollywood Knolls remains the place where you say ‘Good Morning’ too good neighbors. (from
Houses for sale in Hollywood Knolls
Reviewed by Proeditor
July 24, 2017

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